Revival Now America
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Revival Now America

Revival Now America is an evangelistic Christian ministry calling the church to prayer, repentance and revival. We are non-denominational and earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints (Acts 17-10-11; Jude 3).

Our mission is to carry out the Great Commission, with a focus on seeking the Lord for a mighty revival across America. We also seek to help the poor and needy materially, physically, spiritually and financially, not only in America but across the world. We seek to bring necessary infrastructures to help develop rural communities in Africa.

Revival Now America partners with Giving Property to process real estate donations to benefit Revival Now America and the community we serve. Our program takes any property type (land, homes, commercial) in any location so long as there is equity. Even if you owe back taxes, have a mortgage balance or have deferred maintenance, it's no problem. We will pay off all loans, liens, commissions owed and all closing costs. If you have a real estate asset that is costing you money or not being utilized, donating it is a great way to give back. You may even claim a significant tax deduction!

Online Donation Form